ULTRACAM software

This page gives links to all of the programs available in the pipeline. The individual pages contain invocation lines such as

 addfield field base root over nimage (seed xd yd xrms yrms)
This shows the list of arguments, which are explained in more detail on each page. The round brackets denote arguments which may or may not be prompted for, depending upon the values of earlier arguments. Square brackets as in
cadd input constant output [nccd nwin]
show arguments which by default are never prompted for, unless 'prompt' is specified on the command line. In this case they allow the user to add a constant to only one of the CCDs or one window of one CCD. Here is a full specification showing all possible variations:

rtplot [device source] ((url)/(file) first trim [(ncol nrow) twait tmax])/(flist) [pause] nccd [def] (defect) [setup] setwin bias (biasframe) ([stack]) xleft xright yleft yright iset (i1 i2)/(p1 p2) (gauss) ([fwhm hwidth readout gain sigma sigrej symm onedsrch (fwhm1d hwidth1d)])

The first two arguments are not prompted for. Depending upon the value of 'source' (in this case), either of url/file or flist will be prompted. If url or file are requested then 'first' and 'trim' will be requested, etc.

To setup the arguments fully the first time, you may want to type 'program prompt'. Having done this once, then subsequent calls without prompt will require a smaller number of inputs.

addadds Ultracam frames
addaframeadds a frame to a list of frames
addbadadds new bad pixels to a bad pixel frame
addfieldadds a star field to a data frame
addskyadds sky lines to a frame
addspecadds spectra to a frame
backsubsubtracts the background off an Ultracam frame
badgengenerates bad pixel frames
bcropcrops Ultracam frames accounting for binning problem
boxavgaverages an Ultracam frame in boxes
boxmedmedians an Ultracam frame in boxes
breakupbreaks up large files into smaller pieces
bsubsubtracts a frame from multiple Ultracam frames
caddadds constant to an Ultracam frame
cdivdivides an Ultracam frame by a constant
cmulmultiplies Ultracam frames
collapsecollapses Ultracam frames
combinecombines a set of frames using median or clipped mean
copymaskcopies a mask from one aperture to another
cplotplots an Ultracam data frame and allows examination with a cursor
cropcrops Ultracam frames
csetsets an Ultracam frame to a constant
csubsubtracts a constant from an Ultracam frame
divdivides Ultracam frames
dsubsubtracts a drak frame from multiple Ultracam frames
dummyadd a dummy aperture for scattered light correction
expandexpands Ultracam frames
extract_timesextracts first 100 times from ultracam files
fits2ucmconverts a FITS file to an ULTRACAM ucm file
fmatchfinds matching ULTRACAM files by searching through xml files
folderphase folds server data on a specified period
genseriesgenerates a series of frames
gentempmakes template files
gettimegets the start and end times of an ULTRACAM file
grabgrabs server or local .dat files, writing them as .ucm files
grab2fitsgrabs server files, spits out FITS
grmsgenerates RMS frame
heditedits the headers of Ultracam frames
hedlislists headers of Ultracam frames
histplots histograms of Ultracam frame
l3gainfits avalanche gain of L3CCD
listlists pixels with a specified range of values
lplotplots a collapsed Ultracam data frame
makebiasmakes a bias frame out of a run
makeflatmakes a series of frames into a flat field.
mdivdivides a frame into multiple Ultracam frames
missbiaslists all runs missing corresponding biases
movieplots an ultracam images plus light curve
msubsubtracts a frame from multiple Ultracam frames
mulmultiplies Ultracam frames
mulaframemultiplies a list of frames by one frame
ncalanalyses noise in Ultracam frames
newreduceupdates old version reduce files
noiseadds noise to an Ultracam frame
onelineprints one line of useful info from server or local .dat and .xml files
pixelprints out information on a pixel in an Ultracam frame
plotplots an Ultracam data frame
pposmeasures peak positions
reducereduces time-series CCD photometry
rtplotrtplots plots server files as they come in
setapersets up photometry apertures
setdefectsets up defect map
setfieldsets up a star field
setregsets up spectroscopic extraction regions
setupworks out position changes for setting up CCDs
setwinsets up multi-CCD window format
shiftapershifts a set of apertures
shiftershifts and combines data frames allowing selection of good frames
splitrsplits multi-aperture reduce files
sreducereduces time-series spectroscopy
statsprints stats of an Ultracam frame
subsubtracts Ultracam frames
sumframesadds a list of frames together
timesprints out timing information of runs
transformworks out the relative translation and rotation of CCDs
ucatequivalent of 'cat' for server .xml files
ucm2fitsconverts an ULTRACAM ucm file to FITS
uinfoprints information on an Ultracam frame
uinitcreates a blank Ultracam frame
ulsequivalent of 'ls' for server files
ult2ascsimple converter to ASCII
uniquelists all the unique formats in a directory of ULTRACAM or ULTRASPEC runs
updateaperupdates a set of apertures
usetsets/splices Ultracam frames
vshowprints out variables in default files
windowwindows Ultracam frames
wjoinjoins all windows into 1 large one

Page generated Fri Jul 5 12:23:42 2013