movie - plots an ultracam images plus light curve

movie generates stills of a movie showing a CCD and a light curve together. It has lots of parameters and is relatively fiddly to set up, so you may want to make a little script for future reference.


movie [device source] width aspect ((url)/(file) first trim [(ncol nrow) twait tmax])/(flist) nccd bias (biasframe) xleft xright ylow yhigh iset (ilow ihigh)/(plow phigh) lcurve targ comp scale x1 x2 y1 y2 skip [fraction csize lwidth cfont pause]

Command line arguments

device---Display device. If identified as a gif, this will generate a separate one for each image so that these can later be merged into a single animated gif
source---Data source, either 'l' for local, 's' for server or 'u' for a list of ucm files. 'Local' means the usual .xml and .dat files accessed directly. Do not add either .xml or .dat to the file name; these are assumed.
width---Width of plots, in cm
aspect---Aspect ratio of plots, height/width
url/file---If source='S', this should be the complete URL of the file, e.g. '', or just the file part in which case the program will try to find a default part to add from the environment variable ULTRACAM_DEFAULT_URL. Failing this it will add, i.e. the local host. If source='L', this should just be a plain file name.
first---If source='L' or 'S', 'first' sets which exposure to start with (starts at 1).
trim---If source='L' or 'S', set trim=true to enable trimming of potential junk rows and columns of each window
ncol---If trim, then this specifies the number of columns nearest the readouts of each window to be snipped off as these can be corrupted.
nrow---If trim, then this specifies the number of rows to snip off the bottom of each window as these can be corrupted.
twait---Time to wait between attempts to find a new exposure. (Only for data from a server)
tmax---Maximum time to wait before giving up, set = 0 to give up immediately. (Only for data from a server).
flist---If source = 'U', this is the name of a list of ULTRACAM files to reduce. These should be arranged in temporal order to help the reduction move from one exposure to the next successfully.
nccd---The particular CCD to display
bias---true/false according to whether you want to subtract a bias frame. You can specify a full-frame bias because it will be cropped to match whatever your format is. This is useful for ultracam because of the different bias levels of the 6 readouts.
biasframe---If bias, then you need to specify the name of the bias frame.
xleft xright---X range to plot
ylow yhigh---Y range to plot
iset---'A', 'D' or 'P' according to whether you want to set the intensity limits automatically (= min to max), directly or with percentiles.
ilow ihigh---If iset='d', ilow and ihigh specify the intensity range to plot
plow phigh---If iset='p', plow and phigh are percentiles to set the intensity range, e.g. 10, 99
lcurve---Equivalent List of Ultracam files
targ---Target aperture
comp---Comparison star aperture
scale---Scaling factor to divide into target/comparison
x1---Lower X limit of light curve plot. This is measured after the subtracting the largest integer less than the first time encountered.
x2---Upper X limit of light curve plot
y1---Lower Y limit of plot
y2---Upper Y limit of plot
skip---Number of frames to skip between plots, to reduce overall number of images produced. Starts from 0
fraction---Fraction of X range to devote to the images
csize---Character size
lwidth---Line width
cfont---Character font
pause---Number of seconds to pause between plots. With '/xs' this seems necessary to prevent multiple windows being opened. 0.01 seems to work in this case.


This command is a member of the classes: Display, Programs.

Author: T.R. Marsh
Created: 25 Sep 2002
Revised: 15 June 2004

Page generated Fri Jul 5 12:23:42 2013