prints out timing information of runs

times is a routine to print out full timing information on a run. This is designed to be of use to tracking down timing problems. The information reported includes the raw GPS timestamp, the derived time and the exposure time. Note that for drift mode the derived times will be shifted relative to the raw stamps because the raw stamps apply to later frames. This routine is essentially grab with the data writing removed. The times are UTC reported in the form of MJD. The information reported comes in the following order: frame number, raw GPS time, derived time of mid-exposure, exposure time. If the derived times (3rd column) cannot be estimated as is the case for the first few frames of drift mode and the first one or two in windows mode, 0 will be printed. Some intitial header information is also reported, commented out with hashes.


times [source] (url)/(file) first last [clock twait tmax]


source---Data source, either 'l' for local or 's' for server. 'Local' means the usual .xml and .dat files accessed directly. Do not add either .xml or .dat to the file name; these are assumed.
url/file---If source='S', this should be the complete URL of the file, e.g. '', or just the file part in which case the program will try to find a default part to add from the environment variable ULTRACAM_DEFAULT_URL. Failing this it will add, i.e. the local host. If source='L', this should just be a plain file name.
first---The first file, starting from 1.
clock---The type of fix to apply to obtain the times. This is to correct for changes that occurred in the timestamping owing to an upgrade in July 2003. This introduced a problem that was only spotted in Dec 2004. The way the times are corrected had therefore to change. This parameter allows one either to use the default correction determined by the time. This should always be the choice if one wants the correct times. The alternative is to use the reverse of the default correction which is implemented so that one can judge the extent of the problem for a given run. For safety this parameter always reverts to 'true' unless explicitly set false
last---The last file, 0 means all of them
twait---Time to wait between attempts to find a new exposure (seconds).
tmax---Maximum time to wait before giving up (seconds). Set = 0 to quit as soon as a frame is not found.


This command is a member of the classes: Information, Testing.

Author: T.R. Marsh
Created: 02 Dec 2004
Revised: 16 Mar 2006

Page generated Fri Jul 5 12:23:42 2013