This is the full list of commands available inside molly. If you are new to the program you may find it easier to search using the command classes first of all.
acal | -- | apply arc calibration. |
add | -- | add spectra together. |
alabel | -- | set axis labels on plots. |
arc | -- | fit arc spectra. |
asctom | -- | ASCII to Molly conversion. |
aspect | -- | set plot aspect ratio |
average | -- | average spectra. |
axes | -- | set spectrum plot axes. |
back | -- | back projects + plot. |
barb | -- | arbitrarily broaden spectra. |
bbody | -- | generate black-body spec. |
bckfil | -- | back-projection filter. |
bfilt | -- | band-pass filter. |
blaze | -- | echelle blaze correction |
bndf | -- | back proj. dump to NDF. |
boot | -- | bootstrap spectra. |
cadd | -- | adds constant to spectra. |
ccal | -- | copy wave + flux cal. |
cdiv | -- | divides spectra by constant. |
chead | -- | copy headers. |
chisq | -- | compute chi**2 obs cf mods. |
clean | -- | clean out cosmic rays. |
clear | -- | clear slots. |
clip | -- | clip pixels from spectra. |
clobber | -- | overwrite files on output. |
close | -- | close plot device. |
cmul | -- | multiplies spectra by const. |
colour | -- | set colours. |
confirm | -- | confirm user input. |
copy | -- | copy a spectrum. |
cpol | -- | Computes Stokes I and V |
cset | -- | set regions to a constant. |
csize | -- | set character sizes. |
csub | -- | subtracts const off spectra. |
cursor | -- | measure X,Y with cursor. |
dcolour | -- | set data colour for plots. |
device | -- | set plot device. |
div | -- | divide spectra. |
drift | -- | plots arc drift. |
ecopy | -- | copy errors between spectra. |
edit | -- | edit headers. |
emask | -- | mask bad error values. |
emul | -- | multiply error bars. |
eplot | -- | set plotting of errors. |
exit | -- | exits program (also QUIT). |
exp | -- | take exponential of spectra. |
extrapol | -- | compute RMS spectrum. |
fake | -- | fakes a spectrum. |
fcal | -- | apply flux calibration. |
fitspec | -- | fit to tabulated models |
fixerr | -- | fix error bars. |
flare | -- | estimate flare spectrum. |
flis | -- | full header list. |
flux | -- | fit flux spectra. |
font | -- | set font for plots. |
genspec | -- | interpolate tabulated models |
group | -- | group spectra. |
gsm | -- | gaussian smooth. |
hedhist | -- | histogram of header param. |
hedplt | -- | header item plots. |
help | -- | gets help on a command. |
hfix | -- | compute HJDs etc. |
hstsdf | -- | read HST SDF format files. |
id | -- | add user id to plots. |
info | -- | gives useful data (Help). |
interp | -- | interpolate over bad pixels. |
label | -- | label a plot. |
lasc | -- | load ASCII column data. |
lcolour | -- | set colours for line plots. |
lfits | -- | Read spectra from FITS files |
lfor | -- | load foreign MOLLY file. |
lhst | -- | load HST ASCII file. |
light | -- | light curve. |
limit | -- | limit range of flux. |
llig | -- | read light curve as spectra. |
lndf | -- | load NDF spectra. |
load | -- | read in spectra. |
log | -- | take logarithm of spectra. |
lruby | -- | load RUBY data. |
lstyle | -- | set line style for plots. |
lwidth | -- | set line width for plots. |
mag | -- | compute relative mags. |
mask | -- | apply mask to spectra. |
mgfit | -- | multiple gaussian fits. |
mlims | -- | type out MOLLY limits. |
molex | -- | assume extension .mol. |
molly | -- | the program. |
move | -- | shift out velocities. |
mtoasc | -- | molly to ASCII conversion. |
mul | -- | multiply spectra. |
mute | -- | mute some terminal output. |
mxpix | -- | set maximum pixels/spec. |
noise | -- | add noise to spectra. |
offset | -- | set offset between spectra. |
optsub | -- | optimum subtraction. |
orber | -- | orbit errors. |
orbit | -- | orbit solution. |
patch | -- | patch spectrum with cursor. |
pbin | -- | phase bin. |
pclose | -- | close plots at start. |
pfit | -- | fits poly to continuum. |
pgram | -- | compute Scargle periodogram. |
phase | -- | set phases. |
plot | -- | plots spectra. |
putlab | -- | put a label on a plot. |
quit | -- | quits program (also EXIT). |
rbroad | -- | apply rotational broadening. |
red | -- | redden/deredden spectra. |
rmsspec | -- | compute RMS spectrum. |
rvel | -- | measure radial velocities. |
sadd | -- | add sinusoid to data. |
sdec | -- | time series to cosine/sine. |
select | -- | sets selection criteria. |
sfit | -- | fits spline to continuum. |
show | -- | one line header list. |
sine | -- | sinusoidal velocity shift. |
smear | -- | smear spectrum. |
stype | -- | set spectrum plot type. |
sub | -- | subtract spectra. |
tabred | -- | input a table. |
tbin | -- | rebin to template scale. |
teplot | -- | telluric extinction plot. |
tpoly | -- | subtract polys versus HJD. |
trail | -- | plot trailed spectrum. |
type | -- | type spectrum to screen. |
user | -- | lists, edit user commands. |
vbin | -- | rebin onto velocity scale. |
wasc | -- | dump spectrum to ASCII file. |
wbin | -- | rebin onto wavelength scale. |
wcomb | -- | combine water stars. |
wdopp | -- | dump a Doppler file. |
wfits | -- | Write spectra as FITS files |
wndf | -- | write spectra out to NDF. |
write | -- | dumps spectra to disk. |
xcor | -- | cross-correlates spectra. |
xyr | -- | set plot X,Y ranges. |
zero | -- | plot zero levels. |