
 DEVICE Device -- Set plot device


         Device -- Name of a PGPLOT device. In general these names are dependent
                   upon the version of PGPLOT in use. Enter '?' and then you
                   will be given a list when it comes to time to plot.
                   Examples are '/xs' for an x-server window, '/ps' for a
                   landscape postscipt (called or ''
                   for a particular name.
                   There are also two special options:

                     'prompt'  -- means that you will be prompted for the 
                                  device at every plot.

                     'last'    -- retrieves the plot device set before the 
                                  current one (useful for switching from hard 
                                  and soft devices).

 DEVICE does not try to open the device in question, and thus you will
 only find out whether it is possible to do so when you plot. This
 prevents the creation of small plot files and the clearing of the
 screen until a plot is made. 

 In the latest version of PGPLOT it is possible to have more than one
 plot device open at once. Some routines use this to create independent
 plots where it would not be appropriate to overplot on the current device.

Related commands: close , pclose

This command belongs to the class: display

Tom Marsh, Warwick