VBIN N1 N2 N3 W0 VP NP METHOD [FRAC] -- Rebins to uniform velocity scale The earth's velocity will be removed, or in other words the spectrum is rebinned to a heliocentric frame. Edit out Vearth if you don't want this. Selection criteria can be applied. The program interpolates bad pixels prior to rebinning but masks output pixels if they are more than FRAC covered by bad input pixels. Parameters: N1 -- Slot number of first spectrum to rebin N2 -- Slot number of last spectrum to rebin N3 -- Slot in which to start results W0 -- Central wavelength of region in Angstroms VP -- km/s/pixel NP -- Number of pixels (symmetric about W0) METHOD - Interpolation method. Choices: L(inear), Q(uadratic), S(inc) Quadratic rebinning is recommended for most purposes. Linear rebinning is only in case speed is of the essence. Both linear and quadratic rebinning cause significant smoothing of the data (especially linear). In an effort to reduce this, rebinning using a (Sin X)/X = "Sinc" has been implemented. This is much slower, but may be necessary if you are interested in measuring broadening at a level near your spectral resolution for example. The sinc function is tapered by a window function to reduce overshoot in frequency space. If you do use sinc rebinning, it would be well to get rid of cosmic rays and other bad pixels first since their effects can spread. A check is made to see if the rebinning requested is really just a shift in which case a fast version of sinc interpolation is used. FRAC -- (Not prompted for) Minimum fraction of output pixel covered by input pixel for it to be masked.Related commands: wbin , tbin
This command belongs to the class: manipulation