
 LASC FILE N CW CF CE WUNITS FUNITS FRAC -- Reads an ASCII file as a spectrum

       FILE  -- Name of ASCII file with data in column form
       N     -- Slot to read it into
       CW    -- Column with wavelengths in A
       CF    -- Column with fluxes
       CE    -- Column with errors 
               0 to ignore, in which case they will be 
                 set to make S/N = 10000.
              <0 to make the routine estimate errors from fluctuations.

       WUNITS-- Wavelength units 'A' or 'mu' (microns) 
       FUNITS-- Flux units 'MJY' or 'FLAMBDA' (ergs/cm**2/s/A)
       FRAC  -- The wavelength array is fitted with a series of polys
                of increasing order until one is found which produces
                a maximum discrepancy less than FRAC pixels.

This command belongs to the class: input

Tom Marsh, Warwick