
 WDOPP File N1 N2 HJD0 PERIOD -- Writes spectra to an NDF file designed
                                 for the NDF doppler routines.

            FILE   -- Filename
            N1     -- First slot to write out
            N2     -- Last slot to write out
            HJD0   -- HJD of const in ephemeris to be used
            PERIOD -- Period to be used.
            FACTOR -- Factor to multiply negative error bars by. Use this
                      to avoid possible problems in 'memit' by setting
                      to a large negative value, e.g. -1.e6. Set = 1 to
                      leave such errors unchanged.

 This writes out to a 2D NDF file with an extension containing various header
 info needed by the Doppler imaging programs. Only the wavelength scale of the 
 first spectrum is stored and so they should be all the same for useful results, 
 although this is not forced.

 WDOPP replaces WRHDS

This command belongs to the class: output

Tom Marsh, Warwick