
 FAKE N W1 W2 NBIN TYPE CONT FILE -- Fakes up a spectrum 

 The spectrum has a constant continuum and gaussian lines. No noise
 is added.


      N    -- Slot number to store fake spectrum in.
      W1   -- Start wavelength
      W2   -- End wavelength
      NBIN -- Number of bins
      TYPE -- V for velocity scale, W for wavelength
      CONT -- Continuum level
      FILE -- File of data for fake lines with columns as follows:

              WAVE   -- Wavelength of line, A
              WIDTH  -- FWHM width of line
              WIDTYP -- Type of width: 
                          1 for km/s
                          2 for A
              STR    -- Strength of line
              STRTYP -- Type of strength: 
                          1 for additive emission  STR*EXP( )
                          2 for multiplicative abs EXP(-STR*EXP( ))

This command belongs to the class: fudging

Tom Marsh, Warwick