
 MOVE N1 N2 File WHICH ADD -- Alters wavelength scales to give a 
                              velocity, wavelength or pixel shift.


           N1, N2 -- Range of spectra to treat
           File   -- File of velocities (single column, one per spectrum)
                     km/s. These are removed. If a file is not found, the
                     program will try to translate the string given as
                     a shift, if this fails it gives up.
           WHICH  -- Type of shift V(elocity), W(avelength) or P(ixel)
           ADD    -- 'A' to add the shift, 'S'  to subtract. 
                     If WHICH=V, then ADD='A' causes the spectrum's velocity
                     to be increased (i.e. shifted to red) 
                     If WHICH=W, then ADD='A' causes the spectrum's 
                     wavelengths to be increased (i.e. shifted to red) 
                     If WHICH=P, then ADD='A' causes the spectrum to be 
                     shifted to the right.
                     (in each case for a positive value from the file)

 NB MOVE does **nothing** to the spectra, it just modifies the wavelength 
 scales appropriately. If you want to average the results together with the 
 correct shifts, you should first rebin the results and then average them.
 Note that it is not straightforward to shift a logarithmic scale by a
 constant wavelength increment and so MOVE does not attempt to do so.
 In such a case you should rebin to a normal wavelength scale first.

 See also related command SINE

This command belongs to the classes: binary , time_series , manipulation

Tom Marsh, Warwick