FIXERR N1 N2 NSECT CMAX SET -- Fixes error bars of low count number data Parameters N1 -- First spectrum to fix N2 -- Last spectrum to fix NSECT -- Number of sections to split spectra into CMAX -- Error only corrected if number of counts in a pixel is below this threshold. SET -- Set mask to avoid bad regions of spectra With very small numbers of counts it can be difficult to assign good error bars. The obvious procedure of SQRT(Number of counts) is a bad idea since if there are no counts, an error bar of zero is assigned. If there are similar spectra taken at the same time (or better still the same phase), they can give some idea of the mean count rate and hence help in setting an error bar. This routine was designed with HST data in mind. The counts are collapsed in the spectral (--> mean spectrum) and time directions (--> light curve) and then predicted counts are derived by mutiplying the two for each spectrum. Bad spectral regions can be removed from the light curve by setting a mask over them at the start. The light curve is formed separately in NSECT sections and linearly interpolated from one to the next to allow for possible colour variations.
This command belongs to the class: fudging