
 WCOMB N1 N2 N3 WEXP Method -- Combines different telluric standards


     N1, N2  -- Range of spectra to combine
     N3      -- Output spectrum
     WEXP    -- Water absorption exponent for scaling of spectra relative
                to one another
     METHOD  -- Rebinning method Linear, Quadratic, Sinc

 In some cases you may be able to get good measurements of different regions
 of telluric absorption with different stars. You may then want to combine
 these into one telluric standard for correcting your objects. WCOMB does
 this. Since the different spectra may have been taken at different airmasses
 and have different wavelength scales, it has to know the exponent for scaling
 the spectra on the basis that the absorption in mags is proportional to the
 airmass to the power of WEXP. 

This command belongs to the class: calibration

Tom Marsh, Warwick