Research Workshop on Evolved Stars (U. Potsdam, 2019/Summer)
Workshop aimed at Master in Astrophysics students taugh by a group of professors and postdocs. It combined lectures with practical observing activities that were performed at the Ondrejov Observatory in the Czech Republic. I have contributed with three lectures.
Lecture 1: Planning an Observing Run
Lecture 2: Data mining with Topcat and ADQL
Lecture 3: Data reduction II - Photometry with IRAF
Astronomy Education (UFRGS, 2015/1)
Undergraduate course that I taught during my temporary placement as Professor. It was aimed at Physics students seeking a teaching degree. A series of general concepts of astronomy were taught, and then ways to present these concepts to high school students were discussed and practiced. Each of my lectures was followed by discussion, and by a practice lecture on the same topic given by one of the students. All lectures are in Portuguese.
Aula 1: Céu Noturno
Aula 2: Sistema Solar
Aula 3: Gravitação
Aula 4: Leis de Kepler
Aula 5: Características e Formação da Galáxia
Aula 6: Características das Estrelas e Evolução Estelar
Aula 7/8: Radiação de corpo negro, dualidade onda-partícula e efeito fotoelétrico
Aula 9/10: Origem da vida, planetas extrassolares e vida extraterrestre
Fundamental Astronomy (UFRGS, 2015/1)
Undergraduate course that I taught during my temporary placement as Professor. It was aimed at Physics students seeking a teaching degree. It explored the history of Astronomy from pre-historic times to modern age. Each topic was taught either by myself or one of the students for practice. I complemented lectures by students whenever needed. All lectures are in Portuguese; those taught by me are available below.
Aula 1: Astronomia no Período Pré-histórico
Aula 2: Povos Antigos do Mediterrâneo
Aula 3: Astronomia no Oriente Próximo
Aula 4: Astronomia na Grécia Antiga
Aula 13: O Surgimento da Física e da Astronomia como Ciências Exatas: Galileu, Tycho e Kepler
Aula 15: Sociedades Científicas e seu papel no desenvolvimento da ciência e tecnologia
Aula 18: Primeiras Medidas de Paralaxe e a Escala de Distâncias
Aula 23: A Expansão Observacional das Fronteiras do Universo
Aula 25: A Importância da Astronomia no Desenvolvimento Técnico
Exploring the Universe: from quarks to quasars (UFRGS, 2015/1)
Undergraduate course open to all undergratuade students university-wide, as well as to high school teachers. Each lecture was taught by one of the professors in the Astronomy Department. My contribution was teaching Stellar Formation and Evolution.
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