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Ingrid Pelisoli

Research Fellow



Science should be accessible to everyone.

I believe it to be one of my responsibilities as a researcher to make everything within my reach to make that possible. That is especially true in the case of publicly funded research. When politicians treaten to take away funding for reasearch, scientists should not be the only ones protesting. My involvement in different outreach projects is detailed below.


Astrobites aims at making current research more accessible to undergraduate students and science enthusiasts. I contributed to the blog from 2015 to 2017. To see my publications, click here.


The university where I did my undergrad, and obtained my Masters and PhD degrees, is a public university in Brazil. Not only I did not have to pay any tuitions fees, but I was also paid a stipend since undergrad, which is what allowed me to pursue an academic career. Hence, I have a lot for which to thank Brazilian tax payers. I started the website Astropontos in 2017 with that goal. It has a similar format to Astrobites, but the articles are written or translated to Portuguese, so people in my home country can have access to science such as the one they have allowed me to do.

Skype a Scientist

Skype a Scientist connects scientists with with classrooms, families, and the public in general giving them an opportunity to get to know a real scientist that can answer their questions. I was a volunteer in 2019 and had an amazing chat with students from the L.C. Bird High School in Chesterfield, VA about astronomy and the importance of science. I volunteered again in 2022 and had the pleasure of talking about the life and death of stars and astronomical scales with 2nd and 3rd graders from Pawnee ISD.

Public talks

On Valentine's Day in 2022, I gave a talk for the Astro Society at Warwick on the The Life and Death of Stars, and how company can make a difference.

In 2019 I gave a talk for the Berlin Astronomy & Astrophotography Meetup on the The Life and Death of Stars.

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