hlog is a sub-module for reading in the log files written by
reduce. It defines one class hipercam.hlog.Hlog
to hold log
files and another hipercam.hlog.Tseries
to represent time
series to allow quick development of scripts to plot results.
For example, suppose a log file ‘eg.log’ has been written with 2 CCDs, ‘1’ and ‘2’, and that CCD ‘2’ has apertures labelled ‘1’ and ‘2’ for target and comparison. Then the following commands would load it, divide target by comparison and plot the result with matplotlib:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hipercam as hcam
hlog = hcam.hlog.Hlog.rascii('ts.log')
targ = hlog.tseries('2','1')
comp = hlog.tseries('2','2')
ratio = targ / comp
ratio.mplot(plt, 'r')
objects know about bad data and carry
a bitmask array reflecting problems flagged during reduction, so for
example the bitmask array of the ratio object above combined the
bitmask array of the objects targ and comp used to create it.
Classes summary
Class to represent HiPERCAM logs as produced by |
Class to represent time series with times, y values, y errors and flags, and allowing bad data. |
¶ Bases:
Class to represent HiPERCAM logs as produced by
. Based on dictionaries, Hlog files contain numpy structured arrays for each CCD which can be accessed by the CCD label name. Each array contains data that can be accessed by the label of the column. e.g.>> import hipercam as hcam >> hlog = hcam.hlog.Hlog.rascii('run011.log') >> print(hlog['2']['x_1'])
would print the X-values of aperture ‘1’ from CCD ‘2’.
Hlog objects have in addition four attributes:
apnames : dict Keyed by CCD label, gives a list of the aperture labels used for each CCD. e.g. .. code-block:: python >> print(hlog.apnames['2']) might return ['1','2','3'] meaning the apertures used for CCD 2. cnames : dict Keyed by CCD label giving a list of the column names in the order they appeared in the original file. This is to help write out the data comments : list List of strings storing the header comments to allow the Hlog to be written out with full information if read from an ASCII log. writable : bool Flag to say whether the Hlog can be written which at the moment is only true if it has been read from an ASCII |hiper| log file.
(fname)¶ Loads a HiPERCAM ASCII log file written by reduce. Each CCD is loaded into a separate structured array, returned in a dictionary keyed by the CCD label.
fname : str | list Can be a single log file name or a list of log file names. If a list, just the first file's comments will be read, the others ignored, and it will be assumed, but not checked, that the later files have the same number and order of columns.
(fname)¶ Loads a HiPERCAM FITS log file written by
and subsequently converted byhlog2fits
. Each CCD is loaded into a separate structured array, returned in a dictionary labelled by the CCD key.
(fname)¶ Creates an Hlog from an ASCII file produced by the C++ ULTRACAM pipeline.
(cnam, apnam, name='counts', ecol=True)¶ Returns with a Tseries corresponding to CCD cnam and aperture apnam. By default it accesses the ‘counts’, but ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘fwhm’, ‘beta’, ‘sky’ and ‘cmax’ are alternative choices. Looks at the column names in a HiPERCAM log. Can also access items not specific to apertures.
- cnamstr
CCD label. ‘str’ will be used to make a string of non-string entries.
- apnamstr
Aperture label. Set = ‘None’ if the item of interest is not specific to apertures, e.g. ‘mfwhm’.
- namestr
Item to return. e.g. ‘counts’, ‘x’, ‘fwhm’, ‘mfwhm’. If apnam is not None, then f”{name}_{apnam}” will be used as the column name, else f”{name}”
- ecolbool
If True, an attempt will be made to read errors from a column called f”{name}e_{apnam}” or f”{name}e” will be made. If ecol is False or the error columns don’t exist, the errors are set = 0.
(fname)¶ Writes out the Hlog to an ASCII file. This is to allow one to read in a log file, modify it and then write it out, useful for example to flag cloudy data. At the moment, it will only work for an Hlog read from a HiPERCAM ASCII log file. NB It won’t exactly replicate the log file input since it writes out in CCD order.
(t, y, ye=None, bmask=None, te=None, cpy=False)¶ Bases:
Class to represent time series with times, y values, y errors and flags, and allowing bad data. Tseries objects know how to plot themselves with matplotlib.
t : ndarray mid-times y : ndarray y values ye : ndarray y errors bmask : ndarray bitmask propagated through from reduce log, that indicates possible problems affecting each data point. See core.py for the defined flags. te : None | ndarray Exposure times (not much is done with these, but sometimes it's good to have them on output). cpy : bool If True, copy the arrays by value, not reference.
Data can be bad, or it can be flagged, or it can be both. Some flags imply that the associated data will be bad, but there are some you may be able to live with. Bad data are indicated by any/all of t,y,ye being set = NaN. The bitmask values correspond to flags defined in hipercam.core. The bitmask values are OR-ed when an operation on two Tseries is performed. Thus the child of two Tseries inherits all the problems of each of its parents.
(others)¶ Append Tseries objects
- Parameters
- othersTseries object or list of Tseries objects
Time series to be appended to the current one
- Returns
- new_tsTseries object
Concatenated time series
To end with any exposure times, all contributing series will need to have exposure times defined.
(binsize, bitmask=None, inplace=True)¶ Bins the Timeseries into blocks of binsize; bitmask mvalue can be used to skip points.
- Parameters
- binsizeint
Number of observations to incude in every bin
- bitmaskint | None
Bitmask that selects elements to ignore before binning, in addition to bad points. e.g. bitmask=hcam.TARGET_SATURATED will skip points flagged as saturated.
- inplacebool
If True, self is modified, else a new Tseries is created and self is untouched. A reference to a Tseries is always returned
- Returns
- TSeriesTseries object
Binned Timeseries. If any output bin has no allowed input points (all bad or flagged by bitmask)
If the ratio between the Tseries length and the binsize is not a whole number, then the remainder of the data points will be ignored.
The binned TSeries will report the root-mean-square error.
The bitwise OR of the quality flags will be returned per bin.
Any bins with no points will have their data set bad to mask them
The exposure time will be set to span the first to last time contributing to the bin.
(bitmask, mask)¶ This clears any of the internal bitmask elements of the input bitmask value ‘bitmask’ for all values for which ‘mask’ is true. ‘mask’ should match the Tseries length. It does this by bitwise_and-ing with ~bitmask. It reverses the effect of set_bitmask. Arguments:
bitmask : int a bitmask value which will be cleaned from the current bitmask array mask: np.ndarray the bitmask will be applied to every element for which mask is True.
(nstart, nend)¶ Clips points off either end of Tseries, returns a new Tseries, leaves old one unchanged.
nstart : int number to remove from start nstart : int number to remove from end
(other, bitmask=None, inplace=True)¶ Bins the Tseries down to match the times from ‘other’. Useful for dealing with data taken with nskips
other : Tseries A coarser Tseries you wish to match. Must have an integer ratio fewer points. e.g. for HiPERCAM this might be the u-band while 'self' is 'g'-band data, assuming they are commensurate. bitmask : None | int Bitmask to feed through to the binning routine used; see 'bin'. Use to try to exclude bad data where possible. inplace : bool If True, overwrite the Tseries, else just return a new one. A reference to a Tseries is always returned
- Returns
- TSeriesTseries
Binned version of the Tseries. Every output bin will be present but some could be flagged as bad if there was no valid input. This allows the binned and coarse Tseries to stay ‘in step’.
(sigma=4.0, inplace=True, **kwargs)¶ Flags outlier flux values using sigma-clipping according to astropy.stats.sigma_clip [see docs on that for details].
- Parameters
- sigmafloat
The number of standard deviations to use for clipping outliers. Defaults to 5.
- inplacebool
Default action is to apply the mask in place. Otherwise returns a new Tseries, leaving the current one untouched.
- **kwargsdict
Dictionary of arguments to be passed to astropy.stats.sigma_clip.
- Returns
- clean_tseriesTseries object [if not inplace]
Modified Tseries
(inplace=True)¶ Convert from magnitudes to a linear scale (inverse of to_mag)
()¶ Returns with a numpy boolean array of bad data defined as data where any one of t, y, ye has been set to NaN or Inf
(bitmask=None, flagged=False)¶ Returns the data as (times, exposures, values, errors). ‘bitmask’ is a bitmask to define which the data to exclude in addition to any NaN values.
bitmask : int | None bitmask to identify points flagged in the internal bmask array. Use to exclude bad data (in addition to data with NaN). See get_mask for usage. flagged : bool If set True, rather than using 'bitmask' to exclude data, this uses it to include data (but still avoids bad NaN data)
- Returns::
- datatuple
times, exposures times [or None if they are not defined], y values and their uncertainties
(bitmask=None, flag_bad=True)¶ Returns logical array of all points which contain NaN values or which match the bitmask ‘bitmask’ (i.e. bitwise_and > 0) The intention is to return a boolean mask suitable for creating numpy.ma.masked_array objects. i.e. bitmask=(hcam.NOSKY | hcam.TARGET_SATURATED) would pick up all points said to have no sky or saturated target pixels. Thus the array returned flags bad data.
bitmask : None | numpy.uint32 32-bit bitmask to select points according to the internal bmask array. e.g. mvalue=(NO_FWHM | NO_SKY) would select all points without a FWHM or sky aperture. See Tseries.report for how to get a full list of possible flags. A value of None makes no selection and only NaN data will be flagged. flag_bad : bool The usual operating mode (flag_bad=True) is to flag up any bad data (affected by NaNs) as well as data matching 'bitmask'. If set False, only data matching 'bitmask' is flagged.
numpy logical array of same length as the Tseries.
The logical array returned is not the same as the internal attribute ‘bmask’ which contains the bitmask array itself.
Because of the way the mask is applied using ‘numpy.bitwise_and’, it makes no sense to set bitmask=ALL_OK (it would actually be equivalent to setting bitmask=None in terms of operation) and so to do so raises a ValueErrror. In this instance you may want to set it to ANY_FLAG instead to flag up points flagged for any reason.
(position, telescope, inplace=True)¶ Convert times in MJD to BMJD(TDB), i.e. barycentrically corrected the time into phase.
position : str | SkyCoord RA/Dec string (sexagesimal form e.g. 20:23:04,5 -00:02:56.3") suitable for creating an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord object, or a pre-built SkyCoord telescope : str | EarthLocation string recognised for creating an astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation object, or a pre-built EarthLocation. Examples: 'lapalma', 'paranal'. inplace : bool whether to transform the times in the object or create a new object
(axes, color='b', fmt='.', bitmask=None, flagged=False, capsize=0, errx=False, erry=True, trange=None, mask=None, **kwargs)¶ Plots a Tseries to a matplotlib Axes instance, only plotting points that match the bitmask mask and have positive errors.
axes : Axes the axis instance to plot to. Can just be matplotlib.pyplot color : matplotlib colour the colour to use (fed into kwargs to establish a fixed default) fmt : str marker to use for points or style for line plots, e.g. ',', '.', 'o' give different points while '-' and '--' give different lines. (fed into kwargs) bitmask : None | int bitmask to remove bad points. See 'get_mask' for usage. flagged : bool set True to plot points that match the bitmask rather than ones that don't. capsize : float if error bars are plotted with points, this sets the length of terminals (fed into kwargs) errx : bool True / False for bars indicating exposure length (i.e. +/- 1/2 whatever is in the te array) erry : bool True / False for vertical error bars or not trange : None | (t1,t2) Two element tuple to limit the time range mask : None | logical array True for point to be plotted kwargs : keyword arguments These will be fed to the plot routine which is either matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar or matplotlib.pyplot.plot. e.g. 'ms=2' will set the markersize to 2.
(bitmask=None, method='median', weighted=False, inplace=True)¶ Returns a normalized version of the time series.
The normalized timeseries is obtained by dividing y and ye by the median (or mean) y value. Arguments:
bitmask : None | int see get_mask for meaning. Bad data are always ignored. method : str method to apply, either 'median' or 'mean' weighted : bool if method == 'mean', compute an inverse-variance weighted mean inplace: bool if True, self is modfied, else a new Tseries is created. A reference to a Tseries is always returned.
- Returns
- normalized_tseriesTseries object
A new
in which y and ye are divided by the median / mean y value.
(q, bitmask=None)¶ Returns percentiles of the y-array and their -/+ 1 sigma to allow for error bars. q = a percentile or array of percentiles (values from 0 to 100) The return value is a tuple of three lists containing the percentiles for y, y-ye, y+ye.
q : float | array Percentile or list of percentiles to calculate, in range 0-100. bitmask : None | int see get_mask for meaning. Bad data are always ignored.
Three lists containing percentiles for y, y-ye and y+ye
(t0, period, fold=False, inplace=True, sort=True)¶ Convert the time into phase.
This method returns a new
object in which the time values range between -0.5 to +0.5. Data points which occur exactly att0
or an integer multiple of t0 + n*period have time value 0.0.- Parameters
- t0float
Time reference point.
- periodfloat
The period
- foldbool
If True, map the phases to -0.5 to 0.5.
- inplacebool
Operation in place, else return a new Tseries
- sortbool
Sort into ascending phase order
- Returns
- folded_tseries: Tseries object
A new
with the time converted to phase (if inplace=False)
(fname, has_exposures=True)¶ Creates a Tseries from an ASCII column data file. This should either contain times, y-values, y-errors, bitmask or times, exposures, y-values, y-errors, bitmask
()¶ Reports numbers and types of bad points and details which are problematical.
(bitmask, mask)¶ This updates the internal bitmask by ‘bitwise_or’-ing it with the input bitmask value ‘bitmask’ for all values for which ‘mask’ is true. ‘mask’ should match the Tseries length. Arguments:
bitmask : int a bitmask value which will be OR-ed with elements of the current bitmask array mask: np.ndarray the bitmask will be applied to every element for which mask is True.
(other)¶ Adds ‘other’ to the times, in place.
(other)¶ Divides the times by ‘other’, in place.
(other)¶ Multiplies the times by ‘other’, in place.
(position, telescope, inplace=True)¶ Converts times in MJD to airmass. This is a first step when measuring extinction. The airmass computation uses Eq (1) from Young & Irvine (1967) which is OK up to 4 and better than plain secz. Any error array on the times is set to None.
position : str | SkyCoord RA/Dec string (sexagesimal form e.g. 20:23:04,5 -00:02:56.3") suitable for creating an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord object, or a pre-built SkyCoord telescope : str | EarthLocation string recognised for creating an astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation object, or a pre-built EarthLocation. Examples: 'lapalma', 'paranal'. pressure: float Atmospheric pressure in terms of standard atmospheres. Used to compute refraction. Set = 0 if you get problems as it becomes inaccurate near the horizon. inplace : bool whether to transform the times in the object or create a new object
(inplace=True)¶ Convert to magnitudes, i.e. take -2.5*log10(y) (inverse of from_mag)
(other)¶ Subtracts ‘other’ to the times, in place.
(func, efunc=None, inplace=True)¶ Applies “func” to transform a time scale. “func” should return an array of transformed times given an array of raw times. “efunc” if defined will transform the exposure times (if they exist).
For instance:
ts.ttrans(lambda t : 1440*(t-T0), lambda te : 1440*te)
would convert times in days to minutes offset from T0.
(fname, lcurve=False, bitmask=None, skip=False, **kwargs)¶ Writes out the Tseries to an ASCII file using numpy.savetxt. Other arguments to savetxt can be passed via kwargs. The data are written with a default choice of “fmt” sent to savetxt unless overridden using kwargs. The default “fmt” uses a high precision on the times based upon typical usage for ULTRACAM derived (MJD) data.
fname : str output file name lcurve : bool if True, tack on two extra columns to make it easy to read the data into the program lcurve. This does not write bad data or the bitmask but uses the supplied bitmask to set weights on bad points to zero. If False all data including bad data are written and the fill bitmask value is given. Explanotory header info is tacked onto to whatever header is passed via kwargs to savetxt. bitmask : None | int [if lcurve] if lcurve=True, this is used to set the weight on matching points to 0. This allows bad data to be plotted but not fitted e.g. by "lroche" skip : bool [if lcurve] if True, any data matched by bitmask are simply skipped on output.
(bitmask=None, weighted=True)¶ Computes the mean of the y-values. “weighted=True” means the mean is calculated with inverse variance weighting.