pamela script index

This provides links to html documentation of various scripts associated with pamela data reduction.

There are a number of operations that commonly are required during pamela reduction. Several of these have to be run repetitively on every file. Others are required by the specific data involved. This distribution cannot account for all such cases, but comes with a number of scripts which may be useful. These can be found in the subdirectory 'scripts' of the pamela distribution. html-based documentation can be accessed below. Shift-click on "script file" in each case to download the script. The file name lists should be a series of name in a column without the .sdf ending. You can do this with commands such as

Note that it should be possible to run these scripts using aliases defined when you invoke pamela. In each the alias is just the first part of the script e.g. 'rotate' etc.

Available scripts: - perl script for debiassing multiple files(script) - perl script for fixing headers into standardised form for pamela and molly(script)
fixrun.csh - script to fix run numbers of SAAO data(script)
listformat.csh - shell script for listing format of files(script) - perl scipt to print out main results of running reduce(script)
loopdisplay.csh - shell script for displaying a list of files(script)
lsnosdf.csh - shell script for listing sdf files in a directory but without trailing .sdfs(script)
makebias.csh - combines bias frames together(script) - perl script for automated reduction(script) - perl script for renumbering files according to record number(script) - perl script for repeting a command on a set of files(script) - perl script for rotating frames by 90 degrees(script) - perl script for grouping data by source(script)
ultradas.csh - c-shell script for fixing sdf files from ultradas at ING(script)
uniqformat.csh - shell script for listing unique formats of files(script)
whtdiv.csh - shell script for dividing WHT data into aux, ISIS blue & red(script)

Page generated: Fri Nov 20 09:23:37 2009