Assuming that you have run fixhead, you might have the item .more.pamela.source in each file which should be set to one of ARC, FLAT, DARK, BIAS, DATA, SKY. This script will then move the files into directories names 'flats', 'biases', 'darks', 'skies' and 'data' (both ARC and DATA go into this last one). In each case the data will be moved into subdirectories called 'night1', 'night2' etc according to the value of .more.pamela.night
Nothing is done if the source or night number are undefined or if the directory does not exist. file1 file2 ...
This will make files called zzz_splitbysource and zzz_splitbysource.log
Author: T.R.Marsh
Created: 10 December 2005