molly display commands

alabel--set axis labels on plots.
aspect--set plot aspect ratio
axes--set spectrum plot axes.
close--close plot device.
colour--set colours.
csize--set character sizes.
cursor--measure X,Y with cursor.
dcolour--set data colour for plots.
device--set plot device.
drift--plots arc drift.
ecopy--copy errors between spectra.
eplot--set plotting of errors.
font--set font for plots.
hedhist--histogram of header param.
hedplt--header item plots.
id--add user id to plots.
label--label a plot.
lcolour--set colours for line plots.
light--light curve.
lstyle--set line style for plots.
lwidth--set line width for plots.
offset--set offset between spectra.
pclose--close plots at start.
plot--plots spectra.
putlab--put a label on a plot.
stype--set spectrum plot type.
trail--plot trailed spectrum.
xyr--set plot X,Y ranges.

Tom Marsh, Warwick