
This is very nice U Gem type dwarf nova, which runs like a swiss clock. Patrick Schmeer observed outbursts on average every 71 days. Not too urgent in terms of monitoring, but it would be nice to keep track of the outbursts, to check if the system keeps its rhythm.

The dwarf nova is the northern star of a close visual binary.
finding chart

A. Aungwerojwit, B.T. Gänsicke, P. Rodriguez-Gil, H.-J. Hagen, S. Araujo-Betancor, O. Baernbantner, D. Engels, R.E. Fried, E.T. Harlaftis, D. Mislis, D. Nogami, P. Schmeer, R. Schwarz, A. Staude, M.A.P. Torres, 2006. Dwarf novae in the Hamburg Quasar Survey: Rarer than expected, A&A 455, 659

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