
This is long-period dwarf nova which displays apparently frequent outbursts. In fact, from our sparse data it is not evident to tell if and for how long it stays in quiescence. A bit similar to EX Dra, maybe. And it displays a partial eclipse. A good long-term light curve would be nice to determine whether it is a U Gem or Z Cam type dwarf nova.
finding chart

A. Aungwerojwit, B.T. Gänsicke, P. Rodriguez-Gil, H.-J. Hagen, S. Araujo-Betancor, O. Baernbantner, D. Engels, R.E. Fried, E.T. Harlaftis, D. Mislis, D. Nogami, P. Schmeer, R. Schwarz, A. Staude, M.A.P. Torres, 2006. Dwarf novae in the Hamburg Quasar Survey: Rarer than expected, A&A 455, 659

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