HS1449+6415 = KV Dra = RX J1450.5+6403

An SU UMa star with rather infrequent outbursts. Not really needy as it is already monitored quite well.
finding chart

Jiang, X. J., Engels, D., Wei, J. Y., Tesch, F., Hu, J. Y., 2000. New cataclysmic variables from the RASS, Astronomy & Astrophysics 362, 263
Nogami, D., Engels, D., Gänsicke, B.T., Pavlenko, E. P., Novak, R., Reinsch, K., 2000. A newly discovered SU UMa-type dwarf nova, HS 1449+6415, A&A 364, 701

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