HS0913+0913 = GZ Cnc = RX J0915.8+0900

A dwarf nova with short and irregular outbursts, suspected to be possibly an intermediate polar as well. More detailed monitoring is necessary, as the available data does not resolve the outburst activity sufficiently well.
finding chart

Jiang, X. J., Engels, D., Wei, J. Y., Tesch, F., Hu, J. Y., 2000. New cataclysmic variables from the RASS, Astronomy & Astrophysics 362, 263
Kato, T., Dubovsky, P. A., Stubbings, R., Simonsen, M., Yamaoka, H., Nelson, P., Monard, B., Peaece, A., Garradd, G., 2002. Two X-ray bright cataclysmic variables with unusual activities: GZ Cnc and NSV 10934, Astronomy & Astrophyscs, 396, 929
Tappert, C., Bianchini, A., 2003. GZ Cancri: A cataclysmic variable at the lower edge of the period gap, Astronomy & Astrophysics 401, 1101

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