HS0756+1624 = DW Cnc = FBS 0756+164

A short-period intermediate polar, very interesting object. In contrast to similar objects such as EX Hya or V1025 Cen, this one here does not have dwarf nova like outbursts, but it shows 2mag deep VY Scl like low states! Needs more detailed monitoring to establish the frequency of the low states (and to trigger follow-up observations once it is low).
finding chart

Uemura, Makoto, Kato, Taichi, Ishioka, Ryoko, Novak, Rudolf, Pietz,
Rodriguez-Gil, P., Gänsicke, B.T., Araujo-Betancor, S., Casares, J., 2004. DW Cancri: a magnetic VY Scl star with an orbital period of 86 min, MNRAS 349, 367
Patterson, Joseph, Thorstensen, John R., Vanmunster, Tonny, Fried, Robert E., Martin, Brian, Campbell, Tut, Robertson, Jeff, Kemp, Jonathan, Messier, David, Armstrong, Eve, 2004. Rapid Oscillations in Cataclysmic Variables. XVI. DW Cancri, PASP 116, 516

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