# # Data file written by the java program 'Reduce' # The file is supposed to be used to drive the ultracam pipeline program 'reduce' # # See the on-line help on 'reduce' for a full description of the format and parameters # # General stuff version = 19/12/2005 # Date of reduce version (must match reduce itself) cr_to_start = no # yes/no. Carriage return to start or not abort_behaviour = relaxed # When to give up on the reduction: 'fussy' or 'relaxed' terminal_output = little # Amount of terminal output: 'none', 'little', 'medium', 'full' clobber = yes # Let the log file over-write pre-existing files or not # Saturation parameters pepper = 53000 30000 27000 # level at which to set error flag to indicate peppering saturation = 65530 65530 65530 # level at which to set error flag to indicate saturation # Cosmic ray cleaning (not currently enabled) cosmic_clean = no # Cosmic ray cleaning: 'yes' or 'no' cosmic_height = 50 # Minimum height above average of nearest pixels to count as a cosmic ray cosmic_ratio = 1.2 # Minimum ratio relative to average of nearest pixels to count as a cosmic ray # Aperture parameters aperture_file = gwlib # file of software apertures for each CCD aperture_reposition_mode = reference_plus_tweak # relocation method: static, individual, individual_plus_tweak, reference_plus_tweak aperture_positions_stable = yes # whether to weight search towards last position or not aperture_search_half_width = 35 # half width of box for initial search around last position, unbinned pixels aperture_search_fwhm = 14.0 # FWHM for gaussian used to locate objects, unbinned pixels aperture_search_max_shift = 24.0 # maximum allowed shift in object positions, frame to frame, unbinned pixels aperture_tweak_half_width = 20 # half width of box for tweak after a search, unbinned pixels aperture_tweak_fwhm = 8.0 # FWHM for gaussian used in tweaking object position, unbinned pixels aperture_tweak_max_shift = 4.0 # maximum allowed shift when tweaking object positions, unbinned pixels. aperture_twopass = no # twopasses to fit relative position drift or not aperture_twopass_counts = 20.0 # minimum number of counts for a position to be included in the fits aperture_twopass_npoly = 3 # number of polynomial coefficients for the fits aperture_twopass_sigma = 3.0 # mrejection threshold, multiple of RMS, for fits # Extraction control parameters. One per line with the format # # nccd aperture_type extraction_method star_scale star_min star_max inner_sky_scale inner_sky_min inner_sky_max outer_sky_scale outer_sky_min outer_sky_max # # aperture_type can be 'fixed' or 'variable' (i.e. fixed or variable radii); extraction_method can be 'normal' or 'optimal'. # The aperture radius scale factors are multiples of the FWHM so if either of 'variable' or 'optimal' are set, profile fitting will # be carried out. The minimum and maximum ranges allow you to control the sky aperture radii, for instance to avoid a nearby bright star. extraction_control = 1 variable normal 1.7 6.0 30.0 2.5 17.0 35.0 3.0 20.0 40.0 extraction_control = 2 variable normal 1.7 6.0 30.0 2.5 17.0 35.0 3.0 20.0 40.0 extraction_control = 3 variable normal 1.6 6.0 30.0 2.5 17.0 35.0 3.0 20.0 40.0 # This line is optional but allow one to force gaussian weights even when using # moffat fits extraction_weights = gaussian # values 'gaussian' or 'moffat' # Multiple-radii extractions if next line is not commented #star_aperture_radii = 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 # Profile fitting parameters profile_fit_method = moffat # method of fitting, 'gaussian' or 'moffat' profile_fit_fwhm = 8 # FWHM, unbinned pixels profile_fit_hwidth = 35 # Half-width of box over which fit will be made, unbinned pixels profile_fit_symm = yes # symmetrical profile or not (else elliptical) profile_fit_beta = 3 # Moffat exponent profile_fit_sigma = 3.6 # Sigma rejection threshold for fits # Sky background estimation parameters sky_method = clipped_mean # method of estimating sky background, 'clipped_mean' or 'median' sky_error = variance # method of estimating uncertainty in sky background, 'variance' or 'photon' sky_thresh = 3 # threshold (multiple of RMS) for rejection if clipped_mean in use # Calibration section calibration_bias = bias # bias frame, blank to ignore calibration_flat = flat # flat field, blank to ignore calibration_dark = # dark frame, blank to ignore calibration_bad = bad # bad pixel file, blank to ignore calibration_gain = 1.1 # gain, electrons/ADU, value or file calibration_readout = 4 # readout noise (RMS ADU), value or file calibration_coerce = yes # coerce calibration frames to match data format or not # Image plot device (most image display parameters set on the fly) image_device = 1/xs # image display device # Lightcurve plot lightcurve_frac = 3 # relative fraction of vertical height of lightcurve plot lightcurve_device = 2/xs # display device for lightcurves, seeing etc lightcurve_xunits = minutes # units for X-axis, 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days' lightcurve_max_xrange = 0 # maximum range in x to plot (<= 0 for everything) lightcurve_extend_xrange = 10.0 # amount to extend X range when buffer fills lightcurve_linear_or_log = log # Y axis: 'linear' or 'log' (magnitudes) lightcurve_yrange_fixed = no # 'yes' or 'no' to fix Y axis limits or not lightcurve_invert = no # 'yes' or 'no' to invert Y limits or not lightcurve_y1 = 0 # lower Y limit lightcurve_y2 = 0.2 # upper Y limit lightcurve_extend_yrange = 1.2 # Extension factor for Y range if not fixed lightcurve_targ = 1 1 2 0.0 red red # CCD, target, offset, colour, error colour lightcurve_targ = 2 1 2 0.0 green red # CCD, target, offset, colour, error colour lightcurve_targ = 3 1 2 0.0 blue red # CCD, target, offset, colour, error colour # Position plot position_plot = yes # yes/no to plot the position position_frac = 1 # relative fraction of vertical height of position plot position_x_yrange_fixed = no # Fix limits on X position plot or not position_x_y1 = -3 # lower Y limit on X position plot position_x_y2 = 3 # upper Y limit on X position plot position_y_yrange_fixed = no # Fix limits on Y position plot or not position_y_y1 = -3 # lower Y limit on Y position plot position_y_y2 = 3 # upper Y limit on Y position plot position_extend_yrange = 1.2 # Extension factor for Y ranges if not fixed position_targ = 2 2 0.0 green red # CCD, target, offset, colour, error colour # Transmission plot transmission_plot = yes # yes/no to plot the transmission transmission_frac = 1 # relative fraction of vertical height of transmission plot transmission_ymax = 100 # Initial maximum transmission transmission_targ = 2 2 green # CCD, target, colour # Seeing plot seeing_plot = yes # yes/no to plot the seeing seeing_frac = 1 # relative fraction of vertical height of seeing plot seeing_scale = 0.15 # Arcsec/pixel seeing_ymax = 1.999 # Initial maximum seeing seeing_extend_yrange = 1.2 # Y range rescaling factor if seeing > maximum of plot seeing_targ = 2 2 green # CCD, target, colour