ULTRACAM software errors

You are likely to encounter a number of rather obscure looking error messages while running the Ultracam software. The ones I know about are not software errors so much as incorrect inputs, although I am sure there are software errors too. The software tries not to impose more limits than need be, but sometimes has to give up because of incompatible input frames etc. I hope in this file to list some of the more common ones and provide a fuller explanation. It is not possible for the software itself to do this in anything but a fairly generic manner without a great deal more effort from me, which I don't think is warranted.

This page is more for general users' benefit than my own, so please send me any faults which you don't understand and I will put them here.

Error cropping frames

reduce will sometimes stop immediately with an error such as

Processing frame number 1, time = 19 Sep 2002, 20:37:08.19754

Ref window 1
No enclosing window in void CCD::crop(const CCD& win)

If this happen take a look with uinfo at the frame formats of the input data (you may have to grab one for this), and the calibration frames. It needs the data frame windows to be fully inside the calibration frame windows. The first step on reading a data frame is to crop the windows of the calibration frames down to match those of the data. If it can't do this it gives up with this message.