
 REGPIC -- selects regions which define sky and object in a frame.

 This routine allows the user to interactively select regions defining
 the sky and object. The selection can either be done from a greyscale image
 or better, since it is easier to pick up faint stars, by collapsing the
 frame along the disperion direction.

 Regions which are significantly different from the average should be avoided
 since they may be being distorted by other objects on the slit. Try to
 choose regions symmetrically about an object and choose the same regions for
 standard as well as target stars, even though it may be obvious that the 
 wings of the standard star spill light into sky regions that looked ok for
 your target.


  IMAGE     -- The frame under analysis

  FLAT      -- Balance factor frame

  DLOAD     -- TRUE if dark frame is required.

  DARK      -- Dark frame representing counts unaffected by slit
               profile. This will be subtracted off data before applying
               the balance factors. 

  TRACE     -- True if a distortion file is wanted


      TRACK     -- Name of distortion file. Inside this file will
                   have been stored dimensions of frame from which
                   it was generated. These must match those of
                   IMAGE and FLAT.

  REGION      -- The output file containing the selected regions.

  XSTART,XEND -- X pixel limits of region to be treated.

  YSTART,YEND -- Y pixel limits of region to be treated.

  GREY      -- .TRUE. if greyscale image wanted, .FALSE. for a profile
               plot. FALSE is normally recommended because profile plots
               are better for spotting contaminating stars etc.

  AUTO      -- Yes to find scales automatically. Based on going from first
               to third quartiles, with some extra knobs and twiddles.
  If .NOT.AUTO then set LIMITS

  NWIDTH -- If not GREY, a median filter is applied during the collapse;
            NWIDTH is its width; NWIDTH = 1 has no effect, but it is very
            useful in getting rid of cosmic rays. Must be odd.

  DEVICE -- Plot device

  METHOD -- Method for selecting regions. C=cursor,T=terminal.

This command belongs to the classes: sky , tilted

Tom Marsh, Warwick