
 PICSTAT  -- Closely related to istat but allows evaluation of statistics
             over a set of rectangular regions rather than just one. It
             also computes these with reject cycles. picstat is meant for
             computation of constant values for bias subtraction. The
             revised mean value in particular is useful for this.
             The revised and robust estimates of standard deviation
             can be useful for measuring readout noise. The revised
             mean and median are stored as PIC_MEAN and PIC_MEDIAN
             in ~/adam/GLOBAL.sdf. If you apply this to integer data,
             the plot can look a little peculiar as the data appear 0.5
             pixels to the right of the model. This is OK.


   IMAGE    -- Data frame to analyse.

   STREG    -- File defining regions with format x1 x2 y1 y2 on each line.

               1 34 101 500
               21 50 601 700

               Pixels outside the bounds of the NDF section loaded are

   CLIP      -- Sigma rejection threshold. 2.5 seems to work reasonably
                but plot one or two to check. Very small values will lead
                to spuriously small values of RMS.

   PLOT      -- TRUE to plot histogram of values. A gaussian with
                mean and rms set to the revised mean and robust
                sigma will be plotted over with approximately the
                right vertical scaling.

   DEVICE    -- Plot device

   RANGE     -- Sigma range for histogram plot

   NBIN      -- Number of bins

This command belongs to the classes: statistics , examine

Tom Marsh, Warwick