
 OPTEXT  -- Uses the fitted profile from PROFIT to optimally extract 
            spectrum from the frame.

 OPTEXT just applies the usual optimal weights. All the hard part has been
 done by PROFIT


  IMAGE   -- The data file for extraction.

  FLAT    -- balance frame

  DLOAD   -- TRUE if dark frame is required.

  DARK    -- Dark frame representing counts unaffected by slit
             profile. This will be subtracted off data before applying
             the balance factors.

  REGION  -- Contains the sky/object region limits. 

  SKY     -- Contains fits to the background sky in the region of
             the object.

  TRACK   -- Contains trace of the position of the spectrum from TRACE

  FRACT   -- Contains fit to profile from PROFIT

  SPECT   -- The output file for both the spectrum and the uncertainty

  YSTART,YEND -- The Y pixel limit of the extraction.

  READOUT -- The readout noise of the detector in RMS data units/pixel

  PHOTON  -- The number of photons per data number.

  ZAPRATS -- .TRUE. then outlying points are ignored. Should not be used
             if profile does not represent frame to be extracted (e.g.
             arc or sky frame)


      RATLO  -- Lower outlier zap threshold if ZAPRATS = .TRUE.

      RATHI  -- Upper outlier zap threshold if ZAPRATS = .TRUE.

  EPS    -- Fudge factor to avoid silly rejections. On high signal-to-noise
            data you can get very close fits but still be several sigma out.
            EPS imposes a lower limit to the fractional deviation required
            for a point to be rejected.
  IAVE   -- Number of sky pixels to average over in low count cases

  PLOT   -- .TRUE. if you want to plot

  DEVICE -- Plot device

This command belongs to the classes: extract , tilted

Tom Marsh, Warwick