
 EXTOPT -- Standard optimal extraction based upon the paper
           Horne, K, 1986, PASP, 98, 609.

 EXTOPT fits polynomials to the fraction of flux falling into each column.
 These are then used to compute the optimal weights and reject cosmic rays.
 The background should have been estimated with 'skyfit'.


  IMAGE   -- The data file for extraction.

  FLAT    -- Contains balance factors which when multiplied into
             the data correct for short scale sensitivity variations. 

  DLOAD   -- TRUE if dark frame is required.

  DARK    -- Dark frame representing counts unaffected by slit
             profile. This will be subtracted off data before applying
             the balance factors. 

  REGION  -- Contains the object region limits. This file should
             have been generated by 'regpic' or 'skymov'.

  SKY     -- Contains fits to the background sky in the region of
             the object. Produced by 'skyfit'.

  SPECT   -- The output file for both the spectrum and the uncertainty

  YSTART,YEND -- The Y pixel limit of the extraction.

  READOUT -- The readout noise of the detector in RMS data units/pixel

  PHOTON  -- The number of detected photons = electrons per data number.

  OLD     -- True if you want to use an old profile fit. This is an option
             generally used when extracting arc spectra at the same position
             as an object.


     NPOLY   -- number of terms for profile polynomial fits.
     THRESH  -- threshold for poly fits.

     NBLOCK  -- number of rows to add to give one block
                for profile fitting stage.

     NMED    -- median filter width. This is used to filter the profile
                sums before they are divided into the profile to obtain
                fractions. Use it to reject cosmic rays, but be careful with
                sources with many narrow lines.

  PROFIT -- If OLD = .TRUE., name of old profile fit file.
            If OLD = .FALSE., name of new profile fit file.

     PNEW    -- 
  ZAPRATS -- .TRUE. then outlying points are ignored. Should not be used
             if profile does not represent frame to be extracted (e.g.
             arc or sky frame)


     RATLO  -- Lower outlier zap threshold

     RATHI  -- Upper outlier zap threshold

  EPS    -- Fudge factor to avoid silly rejections. On high signal-to-noise
            data you can get very close fits but still be several sigma out.
            EPS imposes a lower limit to the fractional deviation required
            for a point to be rejected.

  VMAX   -- Maximum value acceptable (to partially cope with saturated data)

  PLOT   -- .TRUE. if you want plots

  DEVICE -- Plot device


  PNEW   --  File name of profile fit if STORE = .TRUE.

This command belongs to the classes: extract , fitting

Tom Marsh, Warwick