EXTNOR -- normal extraction routine by summation across object region. 'extnor' requires an estimated sky region from 'skyfit' and will estimate uncertainties according to parameters of a noise model. Bad pixels: Any bad pixel in the data, balance or sky fit frames will casue the respective row to be lost. IMAGE -- The data file for extraction. FLAT -- Contains balance factors which when multiplied into the data correct for short scale sensitivity variations. DLOAD -- TRUE if dark frame is required. DARK -- Dark frame representing counts unaffected by slit profile. This will be subtracted off data before applying the balance factors. REGION -- Contains the object region limits. This file should have been generated by 'regpic' or 'skymov'. SKY -- Contains fits to the background sky in the region of the object. Produced by 'skyfit'. TRACE -- True if you want to include a poly fit to the X position of the spectrum (made with 'track'). If TRACE TRACK -- Name of poly fit distortion map file SPECT -- The output file for both the spectrum and the uncertainty estimates. YSTART,YEND -- The Y pixel limit of the extraction. READOUT -- The readout noise of the detector in RMS data units/pixel PHOTON -- The number of photons per data number.
This command belongs to the classes: tilted , extract