
 MEMIT -- iterates Doppler images. 

 You can run this as soon as you have made a starting image with 'makimg'
 however, I advise scaling with 'optscl' first to get a good start.


  IMAGE     -- The image to be iterated. Typically created by makimg.

  DATA      -- Data file to iterate on.

  CAIM      -- Reduced chi-squared to aim for. Ultimately this controls the
               noise/resolution tradeoff in the image. If you aim for too low
               a chi**2 your image will be corrupted by noise. Often I start
               too low, see where the image gets to and then relax it a bit.

  NITS      -- Number of iterations.

  RMAX      -- Maximum step size. This limits the amount MEM tries to change
               the image and will only apply early on when you will see the
               step taken limited by this number.

  NDEF      -- Default option. The entropy can be measured relative to 
               different defaults. Normally I start with NDEF = 1 and then
               switch to NDEF = 2 when I am nearer image. I don't use the
               others at all and they are not guaranteed. Using NDEF = 2 
               means that the entropy becomes insensitive to large scale
               variations which is a desireable feature as we don't expect
               uniformity in the image which NDEF = 1 implies. However we
               do hope for smoothness on small scales.
               1 = Uniform
               2 = Gaussian blurr
               3 = Power law
               4 = Gaussian blurr + radial profile

  If NDEF = 2 or 4

    BLURR     -- Amount of blurring for Gaussian default option

  Else if NDEF = 3

    EXPON     -- Exponent of power law
    XCEN      -- X coordinate of centre for power law
    YCEN      -- Y coordinate of centre for power law
    RADMIN    -- Inner radius of power law. (Constant inside)

This command belongs to the class: essential

Tom Marsh, Warwick