To get doppler, transfer over this compressed tar file . Download it to an empty directory, gunzip and tar xvf it. It should create sub-directories doppler/ mem/ and subrs/. Don't change these around unless you know what you are doing because the setup depends on their existence.
Before proceeding, there are various bits of other software that you will need. Get these ready first.
PGPLOT is a graphics package written by T.Pearson at Caltech. Information on it and how to install it can be obtained from here . There is another version of PGPLOT maintained by STARLINK which runs over a lower-level package called GKS. Although it is essentially the same, it is not always in step with the Caltech original. Since I link to the Caltech version I advise you to do the same. I will not support linking to the GKS version. Thus you may have to get hold of it even if you are at a STARLINK site, although you should ask around to see if it is already installed first. This is not the case for the remaining software required, and if you are a STARLINK user you may be able to skip to the setup section.
NDF is a data format based on STARLINK's HDS system. It is the basis of many of STARLINK's packages such as Kappa and Portable Figaro. NDF has some very nice features. Once again I direct you to the STARLINK software store if you are not a STARLINK site. Alternatively, a CDrom is available from STARLINK which will set up this and much more besides.
If you want to run the WWW based help locally for speed (and to ensure that the help is correct for whatever version of the software you are running) then point your web browser to the file doppler/html/OVERVIEW.html. If you don't want to do this, you can save yourself a bit of space by deleting the html subdirectory.