The HiPERCAM pipeline manual¶
The HiPERCAM reduction software, known as the “pipeline” for short, serves two purposes. First, it provides a means of displaying and reducing HiPERCAM, ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC data. Second, it provides an “Application Programmers Interface” (API) to allow you to access and manipulate the same sets of data. The first will be of interest to anyone using HiPERCAM, ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC; the second to those who want to code their own scripts. This manual covers both aspects. It does not cover use of the HiPERCAM GUI or the finding chart generator, hfinder, or the equivalent components for ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC. Details of these for HiPERCAM may be found on github; and follows these links for much more information on ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC on the TNT.